Sandhills Community College Seats Available Page

This page was last updated on Thursday, December 26, 2024 07:14 PM
Dept Num Sec Title MeetingDay Time Location Instructors Cred Hrs Max Seats Remaining Seats Comments
ACA 090 MN31 Student Success Strategies DIST-CLAS Susan Grine 3 50 33 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. ACA-090 is required if a student placesinto both ENG-002 and MAT-003.
ACA 115 MN32 Success & Study Skills DIST-LAB Johna Parker 1 25 7 for Computer Technology students. Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
ACA 115 MN37 Success & Study Skills DIST-LAB Jacqueline Boreliz 1 50 27 for Management and Business Technologies students. Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
ACA 122 MN31 College Transfer Success DIST-LAB Holly McDow 1 25 8 This section is for AA, AS, AE, and AGE students only. This classruns the second 8 weeks: 10/16 - 12/11. Online students must login and submit their orientation quiz in Moodle by 10/18 to remainin the course.
ACA 122 MN32 College Transfer Success DIST-LAB Emily Davis 1 25 6 This section is for AA, AS, AE, and AGE students only. This classruns the second 8 weeks: 10/16 - 12/11. Online students must login and submit their orientation quiz in Moodle by 10/18 to remainin the course.
ACA 122 MN33 College Transfer Success DIST-LAB Michelle Hatley 1 25 6 This section is for AA, AS, AE, and AGE students only. This classruns the second 8 weeks: 10/16 - 12/11. Online students must login and submit their orientation quiz in Moodle by 10/18 to remainin the course.
ACA 122 MN34 College Transfer Success DIST-LAB Catherine Skura 1 25 15 This section is for AA, AS, AE, and AGE students only. This classruns the second 8 weeks: 10/16 - 12/11. Online students must login and submit their orientation quiz in Moodle by 10/18 to remainin the course.
ART 111 MN31 Art Appreciation DIST-CLAS Luke Huling 3 50 2 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Course resource fee: $53.10
AUB 111 MH31 Painting & Refinishing I MTWTHFSSU DIST-CLAS Layton Jones 4 12 8 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11 with class online and lab on campus.
MTW 01:00PM-04:50PM SIRO-119 Layton Jones
AUB 121 MH31 Non-Structural Damage I MTWTHFSSU DIST-CLAS David Garner 3 12 9 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11 with class online and lab on campus.
MTW 09:30AM-12:10PM SIRO-119 David Garner
AUB 162 MH31 Autobody Estimating MTWTHFSSU DIST-CLAS David Garner 2 12 9 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11 with class online and lab on campus.
MW 08:20AM-09:20AM SIRO-119 Layton Jones
AUT 183 MH31 Engine Performance 2 MTWTHFSSU DIST-CLAS Charles Proulx 4 16 7 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11 with class online and lab on campus.
MTW 08:00AM-11:50AM SIR2-100 Charles Proulx
BIO 112 MH31 General Biology II MTWTHFSSU DIST-CLAS Kristi Whitesell 4 25 5 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. UGETC course for A.S., A.A., and A.F.A degrees. All lecture contect is online. Lab meetings are as shown. Lab fee $35. Students must log into Moodle the first day of classes.
TH 09:00AM-11:50AM MEYR-220 Kristi Whitesell
BUS 110 MN31 Introduction to Business DIST-CLAS Sarah Bumgarner 3 50 27 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
BUS 137 MN31 Principles of Management DIST-CLAS Nevius Toney 3 25 9 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Students must log into and submit theirorientation quiz in Moodle by 10/20 to remain in the course.
CIS 110 MN31 Introduction to Computers DIST-CLAS Fallon Brewington 3 25 7 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. All students must have access to Microsoft Office 365 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access). This package is available free to a registered Sandhills CC student. MAC users will not have Access in their Microsoft Office 2016 version. You will need a PC to complete the Accessassignments.
DIST-LAB Fallon Brewington
COM 110 MN31 Introduction to Communication DIST-CLAS Lindsay Miller 3 25 16 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
COM 120 MN31 Intro Interpersonal Com DIST-CLAS Lindsay Miller 3 50 19 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
COM 231 MN31 Public Speaking DIST-CLAS Alexander Patti 3 25 10 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Speeches, all of which must be delivered before an audience of five adults, will need to bevideotaped and uploaded for grading.
ECO 251 MN31 Prin of Microeconomics DIST-CLAS Catherine Skura 3 25 15 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Internet students must log into the Moodle course on the first day of classes, follow the instructions posted in the 'Announcements Forum' and complete their orientation quiz by the specified deadline in order toremain in the course.
EDU 119 MN31 Intro to Early Child Education DIST-CLAS Ronda Hawkins 4 25 11 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
EDU 131 MN31 Child, Family, and Community DIST-CLAS Ronda Hawkins 3 25 14 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
EDU 144 MN31 Child Development I DIST-CLAS Susan Wright 3 25 9 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
EDU 151 MN31 Creative Activities DIST-CLAS Mehera Ardinger 3 25 6 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11 with optional work sessions offered on various Tuesdays from 6:30-7:30 in VD 215.
EDU 235 MH31 School-Age Develop & Programs MTWTHFSSU DIST-CLAS Ronda Hawkins 3 25 8 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11 with a mandatory BSAC Training on 10/26
S 09:00AM-02:00PM OFFSITE Ronda Hawkins
EDU 259 MN31 Curriculum Planning DIST-CLAS Aimie Hoover 3 33 10 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11 with optional work sessions offered on various Thursdays at the Hoke Center from 6:30-7:30pm.
EDU 280 MN31 Language/Literacy Experiences DIST-CLAS Susan Wright 3 25 15 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11 with optional work sessions offered on various Mondays from 6:30-7:30 in VD 215.
ENG 002 MN31 Transition English DIST-LAB Karen Clark 3 25 13 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
ENG 011 GMN31 Writing and Inquiry Support DIST-CLAS Amber Simpson 2 24 1 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
DIST-LAB Amber Simpson
ENG 111 GMH31 Writing and Inquiry MTWTHFSSU DIST-CLAS Kimberly Drain 3 24 12 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Course resource fee: $33.65
MW 10:00AM-10:50AM LOGN-124 Kimberly Drain
ENG 111 GMN31 Writing and Inquiry DIST-CLAS Amber Simpson 3 24 1 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Course resource fee: $33.65
ENG 111 GMN32 Writing and Inquiry DIST-CLAS Susan Grine 3 25 11 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Course resource fee: $33.65
ENG 111 MN33 Writing and Inquiry DIST-CLAS Rodney Coe 3 25 7 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Course resource fee: $33.65
ENG 111 MN34 Writing and Inquiry DIST-CLAS Robert Wilson 3 25 6 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Course resource fee: $33.65
ENG 112 KMH31 Writing/Research in the Disc MTWTHFSSU DIST-CLAS Rodney Coe 3 24 -1 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Course resource fee: $31.66
TTH 11:00AM-11:50AM JOHN-108 Rodney Coe
ENG 112 MN31 Writing/Research in the Disc DIST-CLAS Robert Wilson 3 25 3 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Course resource fee: $31.66
ENG 112 MN32 Writing/Research in the Disc DIST-CLAS Hannah Keller 3 25 6 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Course resource fee: $31.66
ENG 112 MN33 Writing/Research in the Disc DIST-CLAS Corey Long 3 25 10 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Course resource fee: $31.66
ENG 241 MN31 British Literature I DIST-CLAS Cara Shipe 3 25 3 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Course resource fee: $40.82
FIP 136 MN31 Inspections & Codes DIST-CLAS Floyd Fritz 3 25 11 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
FIP 232 MN31 Hydraulics & Water Dist DIST-CLAS Floyd Fritz 3 25 10 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
DIST-LAB Floyd Fritz
HEA 112 MH31 First Aid & CPR MTWTHFSSU DIST-LAB Alicia Riggan 2 12 2 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Extra fee $35
TTH 09:00AM-09:50AM BLUE-130 Alicia Riggan
HIS 121 MN31 Western Civilization I DIST-CLAS Ginny Gaweda 3 25 9 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Course resource fee: $31.50
HIS 131 KMH31 American History I MTWTHFSSU DIST-CLAS Ginny Gaweda 3 24 14 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
TTH 10:30AM-11:20AM JOHN-107 Ginny Gaweda
HIS 131 MH31 American History I MTWTHFSSU DIST-CLAS John Regan 3 30 21 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
MW 08:00AM-08:50AM VAND-211 John Regan
HIS 131 MN31 American History I DIST-CLAS Kelly Chance 3 25 2 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
HIS 132 MN31 American History II DIST-CLAS Ginny Gaweda 3 25 10 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Please note, you do not need to take HIS 131 in order to take HIS 132.
HUM 115 MN31 Critical Thinking DIST-CLAS Glenda Pope 3 25 9 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
HUM 230 MN31 Leadership Development DIST-CLAS Denise Lowe 3 25 13 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
MAT 003 MH31 Transition Math MTWTHFSSU DIST-LAB Kathryn Parsons 3 15 9 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
MTWTH 01:00PM-02:50PM LOGN-212 Kathryn Parsons
MAT 143 MN31 Quantitative Literacy DIST-CLAS Jose Regalado 3 25 8 A proctored final exam is required. Student's must meet proctoring requirements set by instructor.
DIST-LAB Jose Regalado
MAT 143 MN32 Quantitative Literacy DIST-CLAS Samantha Godsey 3 25 3 A proctored final exam is required. Student's must meet proctoring requirements set by instructor.
DIST-LAB Samantha Godsey
MLT 111 MH31 Urinalysis & Body Fluids MTWTHFSSU DIST-CLAS Denise Schliep 2 18 16 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
MW 01:30PM-04:30PM KENN-130 Denise Schliep
MLT 120 MH31 Hematology/Hemostasis I MTWTHFSSU DIST-LAB Aimi Vanden Oever 4 18 13 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
TTH 01:00PM-01:50PM KENN-146 Aimi Vanden Oever
TTH 02:00PM-04:00PM KENN-130 Aimi Vanden Oever
MW 09:00AM-11:10AM KENN-146 Aimi Vanden Oever
MLT 126 M31 Immunology and Serology TTH 09:00AM-10:00AM KENN-146 Denise Schliep 2 18 11 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
TTH 10:00AM-11:50AM KENN-146 Denise Schliep
MLT 251 M31 MLT Practicum I F 07:00AM-03:30PM CLIN-CLAS Aimi Vanden Oever 1 20 18 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
MLT 253 M31 MLT Practicum I MTWTHFSSU 07:00AM-03:30PM CLIN-CLAS Denise Schliep 3 1 0 Class will run 10/28 - 11/22
MUS 110 MN31 Music Appreciation DIST-CLAS Kristina Henckel 3 50 4 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Course resource fee: $67.42
MUS 110 MN32 Music Appreciation DIST-CLAS Andrew Book 3 25 4 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Course resource fee: $67.42
MUS 161M MH31 Applied Music I - Violin MTWTHFSSU DIST-LAB Lucy Phillips 2 2 1
T 04:00PM-06:05PM WELL-104 Lucy Phillips
MUS 262B MH31 Applied Music IV - Piano MTWTHFSSU DIST-LAB Kristina Henckel 2 1 0 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
F 02:00PM-05:50PM WELL-125 Kristina Henckel
W 06:00PM-07:50PM WELL-122 Kristina Henckel
NUR 113 M31 Family Health Concepts MTTHS CLIN-CLAS Carolyn Williams 5 40 11 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Students will meet on campus on Fridays and on campus/online on Wednesdays at atscheduled time per the course calendar. Exams may occur outside of regularly scheduled classes. Some clinical may be during evening hours. Clinicals will be on campus and at the hospital facilities as scheduled. Course resource fee: $500
MTTHS CLIN-CLAS Katie Robinson
MTTHS CLIN-CLAS Melonie Pusser
MTTHS CLIN-CLAS Natalie Loschiavo
WF 09:00AM-11:50AM FOUN-1003C Carolyn Williams
NUR 212 MH31 Health System Concepts MTTHSSU CLIN-CLAS Carolyn Williams 5 40 14 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Scheduled time may be online and required at Will have class time on campus per the course calendar. Some clinical may be during eveninghours. Clinicals will be on campus and at the hospital facilitiesas scheduled. Exams may occur outside of regularly scheduledclasses.
MTTHSSU CLIN-CLAS Chantal Stanfield
MTTHSSU CLIN-CLAS Michelle Shepard
WF 09:00AM-11:50AM FOUN-1003A Carolyn Williams
OST 131 MN31 Keyboarding DIST-CLAS Jacqueline Boreliz 2 25 16 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Internet students must log into Moodle the first day of classes and follow the instructions posted on the 'Announcements' page of the course.
DIST-LAB Jacqueline Boreliz
PED 145 MH31 Basketball-Beginning MTWTHFSSU DIST-LAB Alicia Riggan 1 20 10 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
MW 11:00AM-11:50AM DEMP-108A Alicia Riggan
PED 157 MH32 Pickleball MTWTHFSSU DIST-LAB Alicia Riggan 1 12 4 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
TTH 10:00AM-10:50AM DEMP-108A Alicia Riggan
PHI 240 MN31 Introduction to Ethics DIST-CLAS Julian Zapata Beltran 3 25 14 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
POL 120 MN31 American Government DIST-CLAS Catelin Jones-May 3 25 12 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11. Course resource fee: $44.91
PSY 150 MN31 General Psychology DIST-CLAS Jennifer Bittner 3 50 20 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
PSY 150 MN32 General Psychology DIST-CLAS Tonelli Hackett 3 25 9 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
PSY 241 KMH31 Developmental Psych MTWTHFSSU DIST-CLAS Takisha Booker 3 24 17 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
MW 11:00AM-11:50AM JOHN-108 Takisha Booker
PSY 241 MN31 Developmental Psych DIST-CLAS Richard Kruska 3 33 6 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
RCP 213 MH31 Neonatal/Ped's Concepts MTWTHFSSU DIST-CLAS Ty Ronda Pettigrew 2 9 0 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
F 10:00AM-12:00PM KENN-155 Ty Ronda Pettigrew
REL 110 MN31 World Religions DIST-CLAS Glenda Pope 3 25 12 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
SOC 210 MN31 Introduction to Sociology DIST-CLAS Maulin Herring 3 25 8 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
SOC 210 MN32 Introduction to Sociology DIST-CLAS Michael Smith 3 25 2 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
SOC 210 MN33 Introduction to Sociology DIST-CLAS Maulin Herring 3 33 10 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
SPA 112 MN31 Elementary Spanish II DIST-CLAS Vanessa Botts 3 50 26 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
SPA 211 MN31 Intermediate Spanish I DIST-CLAS Ana Casique Contreras 3 25 3 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11
TRN 112 MH31 Powertrain Maint/Light Repair MTWTHFSSU DIST-CLAS Michael Gregory 4 21 9 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11 with class online and labs on campus.
MTW 01:00PM-04:50PM SIRO-102 Michael Gregory
TRN 120 MH31 Basic Transp Electricity MTWTHFSSU DIST-CLAS Michael Gregory 5 21 2 Class runs 10/16 - 12/11 with class online and labs on campus.
MTW 08:30AM-12:20PM SIRO-103 Michael Gregory
WBL 111K M31 Work-Based Learning I COOP-SITE David Garner 1 0 -5 This course is designated for Collision Engineering Technology students.