Nolin Pace, Part Time Information Technology Analyst I
Phone: 910-695-3703
Office: 202 Stone Hall
Bonnie Lou Palermo, Part Time Allied Health Instructor, Workforce Continuing Education
Phone: N/A
Office: Hoke Center
Emily Palmer, Adjunct Instructor, Nursing
Alison Parker, Adjunct Instructor, English
Johna Parker, Professor/Coordinator, Computer Programming and Development
Phone: 910-695-3967
Office: 243 Little Hall
Tonya Parks, Department Chair/Professor & Coordinator, Cosmetology
Phone: 910-695-3794
Office: 157 Causey Hall
Kathryn Parsons, Associate Professor, Mathematics
Phone: 910-695-3832
Office: 208 Logan Hall
Joseph Partin, Professor, English & Humanities
Phone: 910-695-3875
Office: 130 Logan Hall
Jennifer Patterson, Part Time College and Career Readiness Instructor
Alexander Patti, Associate Professor, Communication
Phone: 910-695-3899
Office: 219 Logan Hall
Nathanal Patton, Adjunct Instructor, Aviation
Phone: N/A
Office: 160 Causey Hall
Jennifer Pearce, Director, Marketing and Public Relations
Phone: 910-695-3701
Office: 129 Van Dusen Hall
Kathleen Peck, Adjunct Instructor, Aviation
Kelly Peele, Program Associate, Hoke Center
Phone: 910-875-8589 or Ext. 5800
Office: Upchurch Hall, Hoke Center
Ilona Pelerin, Instructor, Mathematics
Phone: 910-695-3909
Office: 239 Logan Hall
Jacklyn Pepich, Director, Health Care Programs, Workforce Continuing Education
Phone: 910-695-3965
Office: 171 Kennedy Hall
Jose Perez, CIS System Administrator
Phone: 910-695-3724
Office: 203C Stone Hall
TyRonda Pettigrew, Director/Associate Professor, Respiratory Therapy
Phone: 910-695-3836
Office: 166 Kennedy Hall
Christopher Phillips, Part Time College and Career Readiness Instructor
Lucy Phillips, Adjunct Instructor, Music
Herbert Pike, Assistant Coach, Mens Golf
Nicholas Polidori, Adjunct Instructor, Criminal Justice
Glenda Pope, Professor/Coordinator, Religion and Humanities
Phone: 910-695-3901
Office: 217 Logan Hall
Leah Popoca, Adjunct Associate Professor, Radiography
Mark Pracht, Grounds Maintenance Supervisor
Phone: 910-693-2074
Office: 107 McKean Campus Services Center
Tramaine Pride, Assistant Basketball Coach and Recruiter
Phone: 910-246-4123
Office: 115 Dempsey Student Center
Charles Proulx, Associate Professor/Coordinator, Automotive Technology/Transportation Services
Phone: 910-695-3976
Office: 109 Sirotek Hall
Roland Pruitt, Adjunct Instructor, History
Melonie Pusser, Adjunct Instructor, Nursing