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Nolin Pace, Part Time Information Technology Analyst I
Phone: 910-695-3703
Office: 202 Stone Hall
Bonnie Lou Palermo, Part Time Allied Health Instructor, Workforce Continuing Education
Phone: N/A
Office: Hoke Center
Emily Palmer, Adjunct Instructor, Nursing
Phone: N/A
Office: N/A
Alison Parker, Adjunct Instructor, English
Phone: N/A
Office: N/A
Johna Parker, Professor/Coordinator, Computer Programming and Development
Phone: 910-695-3967
Office: 243 Little Hall
Tonya Parks, Department Chair/Professor & Coordinator, Cosmetology
Phone: 910-695-3794
Office: 157 Causey Hall
Kathryn Parsons, Associate Professor, Mathematics
Phone: 910-695-3832
Office: 208 Logan Hall
Joseph Partin, Professor, English & Humanities
Phone: 910-695-3875
Office: 130 Logan Hall
Jennifer Patterson, Part Time College and Career Readiness Instructor
Phone: N/A
Office: N/A
Alexander Patti, Associate Professor, Communication
Phone: 910-695-3899
Office: 219 Logan Hall
Nathanal Patton, Adjunct Instructor, Aviation
Phone: N/A
Office: 160 Causey Hall
Jennifer Pearce, Director, Marketing and Public Relations
Phone: 910-695-3701
Office: 129 Van Dusen Hall
Kathleen Peck, Adjunct Instructor, Aviation
Phone: N/A
Office: N/A
Kelly Peele, Program Associate, Hoke Center
Phone: 910-875-8589 or Ext. 5800
Office: Upchurch Hall, Hoke Center
Ilona Pelerin, Instructor, Mathematics
Phone: 910-695-3909
Office: 239 Logan Hall
Jacklyn Pepich, Director, Health Care Programs, Workforce Continuing Education
Phone: 910-695-3965
Office: 171 Kennedy Hall
Jose Perez, CIS System Administrator
Phone: 910-695-3724
Office: 203C Stone Hall
TyRonda Pettigrew, Director/Associate Professor, Respiratory Therapy
Phone: 910-695-3836
Office: 166 Kennedy Hall
Christopher Phillips, Part Time College and Career Readiness Instructor
Phone: N/A
Office: N/A
Lucy Phillips, Adjunct Instructor, Music
Phone: N/A
Office: N/A
Herbert Pike, Assistant Coach, Mens Golf
Phone: N/A
Office: N/A
Nicholas Polidori, Adjunct Instructor, Criminal Justice
Phone: N/A
Office: N/A
Glenda Pope, Professor/Coordinator, Religion and Humanities
Phone: 910-695-3901
Office: 217 Logan Hall
Leah Popoca, Adjunct Associate Professor, Radiography
Phone: N/A
Office: N/A
Mark Pracht, Grounds Maintenance Supervisor
Phone: 910-693-2074
Office: 107 McKean Campus Services Center
Tramaine Pride, Assistant Basketball Coach and Recruiter
Phone: 910-246-4123
Office: 115 Dempsey Student Center
Charles Proulx, Associate Professor/Coordinator, Automotive Technology/Transportation Services
Phone: 910-695-3976
Office: 109 Sirotek Hall
Roland Pruitt, Adjunct Instructor, History
Phone: N/A
Office: N/A
Melonie Pusser, Adjunct Instructor, Nursing
Phone: N/A
Office: N/A